Manager, Marketing & Business Development & Client Training Coordinator - Kenya Re Academy
Lucy Kagwiria has over 20 years experience in Marketing and Underwriting.
Having joined Kenya Re straight from school. She has worked in all department in the
Reinsurance division In Kenya Reinsurance Corporation including working in the Kenya Re
West Africa Subsidiary for nine and half years in managerial position overseeing the running
of reinsurance business in the 14 French speaking countries in West & Central Africa
She is currently the Marketing and Business Development Manager. She is also the Kenya
Re’s Academy training coordinator. She also has a role of overseeing the Corporation
Winners Mentality programme.
She holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administration, Marketing Option from Kenya
Methodist University, a higher diploma in Management from Kenya Institute of Management
and a Diploma in French language from Alliance Française Nairobi, Kenya.