
The Corporation was delighted and honoured to host Hon. Mercy Wanjau, MBS – as a guest speaker at our recently launched winners’ mentality program on Friday 28th June 2024. Hon. Wanjau is a Kenyan leader with over 20 years of experience in law, regulation, and governance. She is currently the Secretary to the Cabinet of the Republic of Kenya.  The winner’s mentality program is a brainchild initiative of our Group Managing Director - Dr. Hillary Wachinga. It was launched as an internal culture change initiative that is aimed at embedding a winners and leadership mindset in our staff compliment and further focused on empowering them to comfortably compete on the world stage. 

Mrs. Wanjau began her speech by explaining what success truly means and what it takes to achieve it. She emphasized that the journey to success is often marked by disappointments, failures, sacrifices, consistency, rejections, and dedication. According to her, a strong foundation in education, continuous learning, perseverance, mentorship, coaching, and the right circle of friends are crucial elements for achieving success.

Mrs. Wanjau elaborated on several dimensions of wellness, including physical, emotional, and mental health, presenting a comprehensive framework that highlights their interconnectivity and importance for overall well-being. She emphasized the need for prudent financial management to ensure stability and peace of mind. A significant portion of her speech focused on the growth mindset, encouraging the adoption of this approach by embracing challenges, learning from criticism, and persisting through setbacks. Her address was a blend of practical advice and motivational insights, urging the staff to navigate workplace challenges, prioritize wellness, adopt a growth mindset, and embrace the journey of success with persistence and adaptability.

Among the many valuable insights shared in her presentation, one truly stood out: "Earn your Stripes – which meant working hard, working smart, and being consistent to achieve holistic life progress, growth, respect, and recognition in the workplace.” Staff also had the opportunity to engage with the CS in an interactive Q&A which she addressed gracefully.

The session was also attended by the Corporation’s Board Chairman, Hon. Catherine Kimura.